How to Find a Manufacturer for Your Product Idea: 2022 Guide

how to find a manufacturer for your product

You’ve been thinking about how to find a manufacturer for your product idea in 2022, but don’t know where to start. Product development is hard. More times than not, you are doing it on your own and you need to rely on all of your resources to get your ideas out there. But what if you don’t have the resources or contacts to go from idea to product? This guide will help arm you with suggestions as to where to start, and where to look for manufacturers for your product idea. It will also suggest ways you can use keystone habits or tricks that other companies have used to be successful.

What Is A Manufacturer And Why Should I Work With One?

What is a manufacturer? Manufacturers handle the production of products and their distribution of them. They may sell the products directly to their customers, but many manufacturers prefer to sell their products to retailers. Distributors are an excellent choice for small businesses that are just starting or local start-ups because they’re highly experienced at getting the product ready for market and they’re a one-stop shop. Understanding manufacturers and their habits will help you streamline the process of finding manufacturers for your product idea in 2022.

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Domestic Manufacturing Advantages and Disadvantages

Domestic Manufacturing Advantages

  • Higher Quality Control – It’s easier to control the quality when you’re dealing with one company rather than several companies across different countries.
  • Lower Shipping Costs – You don’t have to pay as much for shipping your product across the world, which can save you a lot of money in the long run.
  • More Experience: Domestic manufacturers often have decades of experience working with large companies like yours, which gives them a better understanding of what it takes to produce high-quality goods at scale. They also have access to materials and equipment that may be difficult or dangerous for an overseas company to acquire in their country.
  • Faster Turnaround Time: Because domestic companies are closer to home, they can often get your products shipped out faster than their foreign counterparts, who might have longer shipping distances or customs approval processes they need

Domestic Manufacturing Disadvantages

  • Domestic manufacturers usually require that you pay for your products upfront before they will start production on them. This means that if something goes wrong with the design or your company fails, you could lose all of your investment in the project if you can’t recover it from the manufacturer.
  • There may be additional shipping costs associated with having your product manufactured locally instead of internationally due to longer transit times from the factory location back home (an issue especially when dealing with smaller orders). You may also encounter higher taxes.
  • The biggest con for domestic manufacturing is the time required for production and delivery — especially if you need your product quickly. American factories usually take longer than foreign factories because they have more stringent quality control standards that must be met before they ship out their products. Additionally, due to American labor laws, American workers often take longer breaks than workers in third-world countries do and this can slow down production even further (especially if there are no other employees available).

Manufacturing Overseas Pros and Cons

Manufacturing Overseas Pros:

  • Lower cost. The prices for both labor and material are cheaper in China, so you can save money by manufacturing there
  • More flexibility. You can customize products to meet your needs and expectations.
  • Faster product delivery time. If you need your product quickly, you can do so by having it made in China or other countries with low costs of labor and materials.
  • The products you can get made abroad are often more cutting-edge than what you can get made at home.
  • Cheaper raw materials:


Manufacturing Overseas Cons:

  • Poor quality control. Many times when you are dealing with a supplier overseas that does not speak English, it is hard to communicate with them effectively and they may not understand what you want from them or how they should be making your product correctly (which can result in poor quality).
  • Communication problems. If you’re not fluent in the language of your overseas partner, you may find yourself with certain misunderstandings when trying to communicate with them about production issues or deadlines.
  • Time zone differences. If your manufacturing partner is halfway around the world from where you are, communication can be difficult, especially if there are time zone differences involved — and this can cause delays in getting new products shipped out on time for important sales events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales, for example.
  • International shipping costs. When dealing with an overseas manufacturer, there will be additional costs associated with shipping goods back and forth between countries — which means that even though it might cost less for them to manufacture something for you at first glance, it could end up costing more over

What is the Difference Between a Manufacturer and a Supplier?

There are some differences between the two. The main difference is that a manufacturer produces products, while a supplier supplies materials and parts to make products. A manufacturer produces goods by processing raw materials into finished products. A supplier provides materials or parts to manufacturers.

In the case of electronics, for example, manufacturers build computers while suppliers provide them with components like motherboards and processors. Manufacturers may also have their supply chain operations as well as their sales and marketing teams.

A supplier supplies materials or parts to manufacturers at a price agreed upon by both parties before any production begins. Suppliers may also perform some manufacturing operations themselves but do not compete with their customers because they sell the final product to the customer at a price agreed upon beforehand by both parties. Suppliers often specialize in certain types of goods or services that can be used by multiple customers within one industry or across many different industries.

3 Main Types of Suppliers in 2022

If you have a product idea, you may be wondering how to find a manufacturer for your product. It’s important to know that there are different types of manufacturers and each one has its specialty. Knowing what type of manufacturer you need will help make the process easier. It’s also important to keep in mind that not every supplier is also a manufacturer.  There are many types of suppliers that a business can choose to work with. Some will be more suitable than others depending on the needs of your business.

1.    Factory Suppliers

Factory suppliers are the main suppliers of products. They are usually associated with a particular industry. They supply raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products to companies in the same industry. The factory supplier may also provide services like manufacturing, maintenance, and repair services.

Factory suppliers are often called manufacturers because they manufacture a product from raw materials. Factory suppliers can include companies that make clothing, food, and other items.

Factory suppliers are also referred to as contract manufacturers or CMs. CM is an acronym for the term “contract manufacturer,” which refers to a business that manufactures products on behalf of another company. This type of business-to-business relationship allows companies to outsource their manufacturing needs without having to own their facilities or equipment, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

2.    Trading Companies

Trading companies are businesses that purchase goods and sell them to other companies or individuals. They are usually located near the source of the product, which is often overseas.

Trading companies purchase goods from manufacturers and then sell them to wholesalers or retailers, who in turn sell them to consumers. Trading companies can also be involved in processing and packaging goods before they are sold. Examples of trading companies include:

Export trading companies buy products from manufacturers in one country and then ship them to another country where they will be sold at a profit.

Import trading companies do the opposite – they buy products from overseas markets and sell them locally.

Import/export agents act as intermediaries between exporters and importers by helping them negotiate deals with each other, arranging transport of goods between countries, paying taxes and duties, etc.

3.      Wholesalers

Wholesalers are a type of supplier who buys goods in bulk and then sells them to retailers at a lower price than the retail price. They may also sell their goods directly to consumers, or even to other businesses that plan to resell the product.

Wholesalers may operate on a commission basis, where they make money by selling goods at a higher price than what they paid for them. They may also take a percentage of the profit from each sale made by a business that bought from them.

Wholesaling requires no minimum order size and is therefore an easy way to start making money in business.

The main disadvantage of wholesaling is that you need to find your customers, so it takes time before you can start making money with this method.

Other types of suppliers include:

Direct suppliers are those that sell directly to you, the business owner. These can be local or international companies, but they’re always registered as a separate legal entity from your own. For example, if your main supplier is based overseas and you wish to purchase from them directly, then you’ll need to pay import duty on the goods when they arrive in the UK.

Indirect suppliers are those who supply goods through another company (often referred to as an ‘agent’) before reaching you. This can be very beneficial for small businesses because it means that they can buy in bulk without having to deal with multiple sales teams or organize deliveries themselves – they simply place their order through an agent and wait for their goods to arrive.

How to Find Manufacturers for Your Product in 7 Steps

When you are launching a new product, one of the most confusing elements is finding a manufacturer you can work with. Numerous questions need to be answered: what type of material should the product be made out of? where should you make your product? how do I find a reputable manufacturer? This article shows you how to find a manufacturer for your product in 7 steps.

1.    Find Your Target Market

Before you can even begin to think about finding a manufacturer, you need to know who your target audience is. Without an understanding of who your customers are and what they want, it will be nearly impossible to create a successful product.

To find out who your target audience is, you’ll need to do some market research. Start by researching other similar products on Amazon or Google Shopping to see if any gaps in the market aren’t being filled yet. If there are no other products like yours available online or offline, then congratulations! You’ve just found your target market!

2.    Determine Your Budget

Before contacting manufacturers and sending them samples of your product idea, you must set a budget for yourself and stick with it throughout the entire process. This will help keep costs down and prevent any unnecessary spending from happening once you start working with them on prototypes or full production runs of your new product.

3.    Research Online Manufacturer Directories

Manufacturers often list themselves on directories like Alibaba and Global Sources which are searchable by product type and region. These websites can be useful because they have hundreds of thousands of companies listed on them, allowing you to see what types of products they make and how much they charge. However, they also have their downsides: some manufacturers don’t want their contact information listed online or may not have accurate pricing information because they haven’t updated their listings recently.

Additionally, some manufacturers prefer working with only certain types of customers or businesses. They may have minimum order quantities (MOQ) that they need to be able to produce your product at an acceptable cost per unit. You must check with each supplier before going into production so that you don’t end up wasting time and money on a project that doesn’t work out well for either party involved.

Other Directories

Online domestic directories


Online overseas directories



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5.    Get referrals from other people in your industry

Get referrals from other people in your industry. You can start by asking people who are already in the business where they find their suppliers. If you have a friend who runs a successful business, ask them who they use and why they like them so much. If you know someone who works at a manufacturing plant, ask them how they got their job and what kind of training is required for entry-level positions there (if any). These are just some of the many ways to get referrals from other people who might be able to help you find manufacturers for your product.

6.    Forums and Social Media

Forums are great places to find manufacturers because they provide a space for people to ask questions and share their experiences. You can also use them as an opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs who are in the same boat as you — they may be able to connect you with a manufacturer or give advice on how they found their manufacturer.

7.    Compare quotes from different suppliers

This is important because there may be differences in prices between suppliers which could affect how much money you earn from selling your products online or offline. While one supplier might offer better prices than another, this doesn’t mean that their quality is always better than others as well so make sure that you compare quotes from multiple suppliers before making any decisions about who to decide as your manufacturer.

How to Verify Your Manufacturer’s Quality

There are many ways to verify the quality of your manufacturer. You can ask for references and visit their facilities, but these methods only scratch the surface.

There are more thorough ways to verify your manufacturer’s quality, and we recommend allocating time for them.

Here are some of the most effective ways to verify a manufacturer’s quality:

  1. Visiting their facility and checking the entire production process.
  2. Viewing their certification reports (ISO 9001) and seeing if they are certified by any other organizations (e.g., UL).
  3. Checking if they have been audited by a third party (e.g., SGS), as this means that someone else has verified their quality management system (QMS).
  4. Checking how long they have been manufacturing in the industry (i.e., how much experience they have), as well as their total production capacity and how much they export annually (i.e., how large their company is).

Request a Quote

When you’re ready to buy a product, you want to be sure that it’s going to meet your needs. It’s important to verify the quality of the product before you make a purchase. Here are some ways to verify the quality of your manufacturer before placing an order.

Request a Quote

When you request a quote, you can ask questions about the quality of the product and its manufacturing process. Find out if they have any certifications or awards for their work, and what kind of testing they do on each item before it goes out the door. Ask them about their return policy and how they handle complaints from customers who receive damaged items or have issues with their order.

Contact Customers

If possible, contact customers who have ordered from this manufacturer before you make your purchase so that you can get feedback on their experience working with them. You can also ask them if they would recommend using this manufacturer again or if there were any problems with their order that caused them concern about using this company again in the future. If there are lots of negative reviews for this company online, consider finding another supplier who will give you better service and products at lower prices instead of dealing with someone who has a poor reputation among consumers and businesses alike.

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